
【2024-04-26 11:27】4月26日,Paradigm发布文章建议EVM社区采用每秒Gas量(gaspersecond)作为网络性能的衡量标准,并结合Gas费定价的其他维度,以创建全面的性能标准。传统上,区块链网络性能常以每秒交易数量为指标,但对于以太坊及其他EVM区块链而言,更为细致和准确的衡量标准则是每秒Gas量,该指标反映了网络每秒能够处理的计算工作量。Gas作为衡量执行交易或智能合约等操作所需计算工作量的单位,也有助于比较不同EVM兼容链的性能。


Paradigm's recent article proposes a shift in how the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) community measures network performance, suggesting the adoption of "gasper second" as a comprehensive benchmark alongside other dimensions of gas pricing. Traditionally, blockchain network performance has been gauged by transactions per second (TPS). However, for Ethereum and other EVM-based blockchains, a more nuanced and accurate metric is gas per second, reflecting the computational workload the network can handle each second. Gas is the unit used to measure the computational effort required for operations like executing transactions or smart contracts, aiding in performance comparisons among different EVM-compatible chains.

Currently, EVM networks are evaluated based on gas per second calculations, with opBNB standing out as the highest-performing network at 100 million gas per second (mgas/s), while Ethereum's mainnet lags at 1.25 mgas/s. Paradigm's Reth has achieved 100-200 mgas/s during real-time synchronization, with a short-term goal of reaching 1 gigagas/s (1 billion per second). image


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